Community Programs
The Goals of NEBHDCo’s Community Programs:
- Provide an environment of opportunity and connections to resources for tenants and community residents.
- Support tenants’ ability to meet the responsibilities and enjoy the rights of tenancy.
- Support economic stability, education and healthy living for our community through collaborations with partner agencies.
Our Community Programs Department works across two broad areas: Access to Healthy Food and Nutritional Education Initiative and Tenant and Community Supports.
Access to Healthy Food and Nutritional Education Initiative :
- Golden Harvest Food Pantry, a supermarket-style client choice pantry in a beautiful new 2-story facility, where families shop by family size for emergency food including fresh local produce, and connect to services supports.
- Free Cooking, Nutrition and Gardening classes at the Golden Harvest Food Pantry offered regularly to adults, seniors, children, and youth. For information about our current programs please contact Lisa Everett at 718-453-2503 Ext. 302.
- Free Cooking and Nutrition classes at our new community kitchen in Brownsville at 1920 Union Street.
- Meals on Wheels program delivering fresh groceries to seniors and disabled. For more information contact Alexis Glasgow at 718-453-9490 x 224.
- Two Community Gardens at 378 Throop Avenue and 152 Tompkins Avenue serving for educational purposes and growing food for cooking classes and demonstrations.
- Community Wellness Event every spring.
Past Initiative: Communities for Healthy Food Bed-Stuy, a food justice and food access initiative, with a holistic approach to bettering the food system in Bed-Stuy, including urban gardens and farms, culinary and nutrition knowledge sharing, advocacy and community building, retail work and good food jobs.
Tenant and Community Supports:
- Benefit Center - through our pantry, we provide referrals to more than 25 local service providers covering a wide of range of needs. Referral agencies provide supports including: SNAP, legal services, health insurance, health and dental care, housing services, veterans’ services, free tax preparation, and workforce. We also provide onsite services for free tax preparation public benefits applications including SNAP
- Additional employment and educational supports: through outreach and testing at our Opportunity Resource Center.
- Services coordination/case management for seniors including special needs and frail elderly, at Richmond Hill Senior Residence and Bay Street Housing, LP. through a joint venture partnership with The Arker Companies.
- Kosciuszko Garden Learning Center, a beautiful ornamental garden at 385 Kosciuszko Street, between Marcus Garvey and Lewis Avenue available for public and private use. For more information contact Lisa Everett at 718-453-9490, Ext. 302.
- Free yoga classes held every Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm at 378 Throop Avenue community room and during warmer months at Kosciuszko Garden (385 Kosciuszko Street).
- Thanksgiving community meals, New York Cares winter coat drives, Back to School Bash, and other community events. For more information and for scheduling please contact Lisa Everett at 718-453-9490, Ext. 302.
Our work is possible thanks to our founders including: Food Bank for New York City, United Way/Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program/HPNAP, City Harvest, The Emergency Food Assistance Program/TEFAP, HRA Emergency Food Assistance Program/EFAP, United Way/Just Food Local Produce Link, New York Cares, NY City Council, Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, and Council Member Alicka Ampry-Samuel.